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How do I find my account number and sort code?
How do I find my account number and sort code?
Eddie Ross avatar
Written by Eddie Ross
Updated today

Your Tembo Cash ISA or Lifetime ISA doesn't come with an account number and sort code. This is because Tembo is not a bank, we are a savings provider. Instead, the reference number for your account is your National Insurance Number.

If you want to make a deposit into your Tembo account you must do so by linking your bank account through the Tembo app, instead of making a payment direct from your bank account.

If you're having trouble adding money to your Tembo account through the Tembo app, try sending a smaller amount initially. If this works, then try sending a larger amount. Usually banks will automatically decline large payments to new payees as they view this as 'unusual' behaviour. Sending smaller payments first can help get around this.

If you need to identify your Tembo user account then you can use your National Insurance number. If you need a specific reference for your Cash ISA or Lifetime ISA then get in touch with our team for help.

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